Monday, November 15, 2010

Rendering Cretaceous

UPDATE 11/17: Animatic has been updated with the rings, sets, props, etc. check it out over here.


Sequence of renders showing different lighting stages. The matte painting is actually in the Maya scene in these renders. The end product will involve after Effects compositing.

Update 11/16

Saturday, November 6, 2010

More Texturing...

UPDATED: 11/11

UPDATED: 11/16

Mailbox Progress.

Looks like we finally need a name for him... can't find one that feels or just looks right. ANY SUGGESTIONS WELCOME

Final base tex
A little washed out...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Machine and Mailbox

Time to show other people's work! Thanks for texturing the time machine, Dayanna! (WIP)

And Jason (Not to be confused with out professor) whipped this out according to Cassandra's concept art- how awesome! What a likeness!